We’re into the heart of Virgo season for 2024, a time for introspection and goal-setting as the bold, fiery energy of Leo season fades away. If the Virgo in your life has a birthday coming up, treat them to a bespoke piece of jewellery adorned with their birthstone or star sign. Abbott Lyon has a beautiful range of custom birthstone bracelets and zodiac bracelets to charm even the most discerning Virgo.

All about September-born Virgos
August Virgos (Virgo I) and September Virgos (Virgo II) are both known for being practical and insightful, with a good eye for detail. However, while August-born Virgos are ruled by the sun, September Virgos are ruled by Venus – the planet associated with beauty, love and connection. This means that September-born Virgos also have a great sense of style. They have an affinity for aesthetic details as well as practical ones. What a great reason to spoil them with a personalised birthstone or zodiac bracelet!
Famous Virgo IIs include Beyoncé, Zendaya, Pink, Salma Hayek and Cameron Diaz.
September birthstone: the Sapphire
The sapphire is the birthstone for September. This beautiful gemstone comes in a variety of colours, but is most famous for its deep royal blue hue. Blue sapphires are steeped in lore, treasured by many ancient cultures, and are said to symbolise wisdom, integrity, kindness and good judgement.
In the Middle Ages, people associated blue sapphires with the heavens and believed they attracted divine favour. The ancient Greeks wore sapphire jewellery for wisdom and guidance, and the wise Biblical king Solomon was said to wear a sapphire ring.
The most famous sapphires in the UK are the 104ct Stuart sapphire, which is one of the crown jewels, and Princess Diana’s Ceylon sapphire engagement ring, which was later given to Kate Middleton by Prince William when he proposed to her.
Some of the biggest and most famous sapphires in the world include the Blue Belle of Asia, the Star of Bombay and the Rockefeller sapphire. The Blue Belle set the record for the most expensive sapphire ever sold at public auction, when it went for a whopping $17 million at a Christie’s in 2014. That’s the equivalent of nearly £13 million today.
September birthstone bracelets for Virgos
For the September Virgo with a special place in your heart, choose a delicate chain bracelet with a sapphire-blue birthstone charm. You can also customise Abbott Lyon’s birthstone bracelets by adding initials or a name. Detail-oriented Virgos will appreciate this personalised touch.
Zodiac Bracelets for Virgos
Abbott Lyon has a zodiac bracelet option for every sign. Choose a beautiful zodiac bracelet charm engraved with the Virgo symbol, or a double zodiac bracelet which gives you the option to add your loved one’s moon or rising sign as well.
Embrace the pragmatic energy of Virgo season and find the perfect September birthday gift with this handy, practical guide from Abbott Lyon.
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